Becoming a Mohawk Medbuy Vendor
At Mohawk Medbuy, we actively engage vendors and other shared service organizations to develop innovative solutions that generate greater value for our Members and better outcomes for their patients.
Mohawk Medbuy follows a detailed process to review and assess new technologies or practice changes in partnership with our Members for consideration of establishing a new contract.
Our sourcing process is rigorous, open, fair and transparent to ensure compliance with the Broader Public Sector (BPS) Procurement Directive and trade agreements.
Vendors are welcome to provide MMC with information regarding your business and services by using the Vendor Interest form below. Please note that any information provided is used for market research purposes only and in no way influences any existing or future initiatives, nor represents any kind of commitment from MMC to conduct business with vendors in the future.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I become a vendor for Mohawk Medbuy MEMBERs?
Mohawk Medbuy does not recommend, choose or maintain a list of vendors for our Member hospitals, health care providers and public sector organizations. We initiate and manage the sourcing process for our Members – but they make the final procurement decisions.
We use product or service categories to publicly post what our hospitals require when contracts come up for renewal or if there is a new sourcing initiative. Vendors who respond to the posted RFP with successful proposals are awarded the business with a written contract. When the contract is approaching expiry and there is a continued requirement, the posting and award process is repeated.
How do i learn about current procurement opportunities?
Mohawk Medbuy’s current contract sourcing opportunities are posted on Biddingo. Biddingo is a subscription-based public procurement website open to all registered vendors. To provide notice of an upcoming or future opportunity, Mohawk Medbuy maintains a Contract Registry which is updated regularly.
Click below for more information and to view available opportunities:
Do procurement regulations apply to Mohawk Medbuy?
Yes, Mohawk Medbuy adheres to all procurement regulations governing our Members, including those that call for an open, fair and transparent competitive process:
What is your typical competitive procurement process LIKE?
MMC’s usual tendering process is outlined below. Note that the timeframes provided are typical for our med / surg and pharmacy procurements. Other procurements may have shorter or longer timeframes depending on the procurement’s scope and the type of products / services being requested.
Initiative Planning
Gather data and research the scope of products and/or services needed
Perform vendor and client consultations
Engage clinicians, business professionals and subject matter experts drawn from the MMC’s Membership
Determine the complexity of the product or service, the level of clinical or technical sensitivity and how much time and effort will be required by Members to transition between vendors
Typical timeframe: 18 to 24 months for med / surg and pharmacy procurements
RFx Development
Advisory committees formed to determine the procurement strategy and commitment model(s)
Market research conducted
Procurement requirements and scope are finalized
RFx documents are drafted
Member participation is confirmed
Typical timeframe: 12 to 18 months for med / surg and pharmacy procurements
RFx Executed
Hold information sessions with potential vendors
RFx documents posted on Biddingo and responses are submitted electronically
Facilitate Q&A
Issue posting addenda, as required
Close RFx posting, perform rectification
Typical timeframe: 12 months for med / surg and pharmacy procurements
Evaluation and Validation
Complete RFx evaluation stages (Clinical, Technical, Business and Financial scoring)
Hold committee meetings to discuss results
Hold negotiation meetings with preferred proponents, as applicable
Facilitate product validation, as required
Typical timeframe: 6 to 11 months for med / surg and pharmacy procurements
Make award recommendation, sign contract(s)
Execute agreement(s)
Notify proponents of award
Hold proponent debriefing sessions
Typical timeframe: 3 to 5 months for med / surg and pharmacy procurements
Agreement Management and Member Support (after agreement is awarded)
Conversion management Member support
Supply disruption management Member support
Supplier relationship and performance support
You may wish to learn more about these MMC programs:
Innovation LaunchPad – a forum that allows vendors to introduce innovative products and services to our membership
Indigenous LaunchPad – a program aimed at advancing Indigenous businesses’ spend, impact on and contributions to Canada’s health care and public sectors
Let’s Work Together!
Do you have a specific question that we didn’t answer? Contact us for more information.