“Mohawk Medbuy:
One organization. Enriched DNA.”

Driving Value
We’re a national, not-for-profit, shared services organization trusted by hundreds of Canadian hospitals and health care providers to drive value, efficiencies and cost savings on the supplies and services they use.
We're the genesis of the June 2017 amalgamation of two leading health care organizations – Mohawk Shared Services Inc. (an Ontario SSO) and Medbuy Corporation (previously a national GPO) – both of which had long track records of service excellence. Now stronger as a unified organization, Mohawk Medbuy has the expertise, clinical insight and infrastructure to address the changing needs of our health care system:
Full Range of Services:
From Strategic Sourcing and Pharmacy to Accounts Payable, Logistics and more
Not-for-Profit Structure:
The savings we generate go directly back to the hospitals and other care providers we serve
Significant Volume:
With over $3 billion of spend under contract, we leverage maximum value for our Members
National Scope:
A long history of serving Canadian health care providers – scalable for continued growth
Strong Governance:
Member engagement and participation in decision-making is our foundation
Advanced Analytics:
Harnessing data to drive better decision-making and new savings opportunities

Innovating Together
We believe the best results come from working together. That’s why collaboration is central to how we work with the clinical, procurement, logistics and finance teams at the hospitals and health care facilities that comprise our Membership. And it doesn’t stop there. We actively engage vendors and other shared service organizations to develop innovative solutions that generate better value for our Members and better outcomes for their patients. Below are just a few current examples:
joint sourcing that benefits MORE facilities
Together with Plexxus, we launched a joint sourcing strategy in June 2018 to leverage the dominant percentage of Ontario’s health care spend our two organizations represent. By working together, sharing best practices and collaborating with our Members, we will be developing innovative “open language” contracts, and making those outcomes available to all hospitals in Ontario as well as other Canadian provinces.
Learn more about Joint Sourcing
IMPROVING Access to Cardiac Care
We’re working closely with St. Mary’s General Hospital in Kitchener, ON to implement a value-based procurement strategy for cardiac care. The initiative will help avert the unsustainable demand they’re facing. But, more importantly, by deploying specialized diagnosis, rehabilitation equipment and expertise throughout the hospital’s large catchment area, cardiac patients will receive better continuity of care much closer to home.
a money-SAVING approach to logistics
In September 2017, Mohawk Medbuy and Plexxus took the innovative step of consolidating their warehouse and logistics operations – a collaboration that will generate $10+ million in savings for legacy Members of both organizations over the next five years. The warehousing and distribution platform is scalable to provide similar benefits to other Ontario hospitals. Learn more about our Warehouse and Logistics.
preserving Outpatient access to pharmacy care
Hospital-owned pharmacies are a vital resource for many patients after they’ve been discharged.They offer specialized expertise and stock lifesaving drugs that may not be readily available at retail pharmacies. Mohawk Medbuy worked with pharmacy leadership from Member hospitals and drug wholesalers on an innovative sourcing model to help ensure the financial viability of these important enterprises.
“Strategically aligned to our Members and their needs”

Our Vision
Be the shared service partner trusted by more Canadian health providers to deliver exceptional value, innovation and support in raising the standard of patient care.
Our Purpose
As a trusted extension of our customers, we provide innovative, end-to-end supply chain, clinical and back-office services. Through collaboration, operational excellence and strategic analysis, we deliver insight and solutions that yield value, efficiencies and cost savings – allowing health care organizations to invest in and focus on improving the patient experience.
Effective Governance
Built on Accountability,
Transparency & Consensus
Strong governance has been fundamental to our success. Our Members actively participate in multiple levels of our organization, providing vital insight and guidance. This ensures hospitals and health care organizations have both a voice in decision-making and a stake in the outcomes.
Our Board of Directors is composed of senior representatives from Member hospitals and health authorities, along with independent community representatives who add complimentary expertise and perspective.
Corporately, our governance model reinforces our responsibility to operate sustainably in the best interest of our stakeholders and to create long-term value on their behalf.
Member engagement is central
to our service governance.
All of our divisions are guided by their own Functional Advisory Committee (FAC). Members appoint a leader from the related area of their organization to represent them on the FAC of each service they utilize. Bringing together experts from a wide range of hospitals fosters tremendous collaboration, knowledge sharing and valuable peer-to-peer relationships. Their collective voice enable our team of procurement, pharmacy, clinical, logistics and finance professionals to continuously strengthen the value of the sourcing initiatives and services we provide.