Indigenous LaunchPad Helps Drive Reconciliation & Resilience in the Health Care Supply Chain

Mohawk Medbuy’s (MMC’s) new and growing Indigenous LaunchPad program is unleashing the enormous potential of Indigenous businesses to help strengthen Canada’s health care supply chain.

According to the Canadian Council for Indigenous Business (CCIB), Canada is home to more than 60,000 Indigenous businesses – and they continue to be vastly underrepresented in our supply chains. As one of Canada’s largest shared services organizations and an Indigenous Procurement Champion, MMC is uniquely positioned to help drive Reconciliation in health care procurement.

Earlier this year, MMC debuted the Indigenous LaunchPad – a curated, searchable markeplace of Indigenous businesses accessible to Members via our Online Portal. “The Indigenous LaunchPad is part of MMC’s Reconciliation Journey and our ongoing efforts to Indigenize the supply chain,” said Veronica Guido, MMC’s Director, Indigenous Partnerships and Strategies. “Our goal is to have Indigenous-owned businesses from every sector our Members could possibly procure from as a way to help foster an equitable and sustainable supply chain in Canada.”

For The Ottawa Hospital (TOH), MMC’s Indigenous LaunchPad is supporting their organization’s unique Reconciliation commitments. “The Ottawa Hospital is committed to a Journey of Reconciliation and meaningful participation of First Nation, Inuit and Métis Peoples to guide our efforts,” said Tracey Dennis, TOH’s Executive Director, Supply Chain and Chief Procurement Officer. “MMC’s Indigenous LaunchPad is a convenient online tool that makes it easy for our staff to pursue economic opportunities directly with Indigenous businesses and suppliers.”

One of the first Indigenous businesses to sign on was ATMIS Medical, a health care PPE manufacturer based in Ontario. ATMIS President and CEO Andy Valentine, who traces his roots back to Missanbie Cree First Nation, expressed his excitement at joining MMC’s Indigenous LaunchPad. “My main takeaway from MMC and your advancement of Truth and Reconciliation is that you’re true – you’re backing your words with actions,” said Andy. “That right there is very important to us.”

Hear from Andy and more Indigenous LaunchPad business leaders by watching our video below.

ATMIS Medical’s flagship product – medical isolation gowns manufactured in Chatham, ON utilizing advanced robotics – are available to MMC Members through the Indigenous LaunchPad. “Most of the medical gowns used in Canadian hospitals are sourced overseas,” said Andy. “ATMIS’ new pricing agreement with MMC offers hospitals a unique opportunity to source these essential products from an Indigenous-owned, fully domestic company – supporting Canadian manufacturing, supply chain resilience, and Canada’s Bill S-211 efforts to reduce the risk of forced labour in our supply chains.”

Learn More

MMC’s first-ever Indigenous LaunchPad Live webinar featuring ATMIS will take place on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 11:30 am ET. Click here to register.

Are you an Indigenous business interested in the Indigenous LaunchPad? Click here to learn more.

Mohawk Medbuy Communications